Benon Nabaasa Baguma

Benon B Nabaasa is a pastoralist and a graduate student at Makerere University’s Department of Geography Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences. He holds a first class honors from the Department of Forestry Biodiversity and Tourism and is now a researcher at the Urban Action Lab (UAL) housed under the Department of Geography, Makerere University. His fields of competency at the UAL include natural resources and ecosystem services mapping and survey, GIS, Geospatial analysis and Earth observation, Permaculture, Participatory GIS and Community Based Participatory Planning. Benon has been an active researcher and has several publications to his name. He is passionate about natural self-sustaining systems and livelihoods, systems like pastoralism, subsistence farming and all systems that imitate nature.

Researcher/Graduate student
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ual staff